All OF HER Long & Growing® Hairgasm® Longhairs® Organic Long Hair ENRICHED SCRITCHERS® horncombs are FAMILY RAISED CRUELTY-FREE. TYPES sorted by purpose not by hair-type so yes they will all work GENUINE provided you use them right. LMLonghairs Company coined the term and technique of Scalp 'Scritching® and Scritchers® way back and was the first internet purveyor of Cruelty-Free sheep horn and ox horn combs. We have our own 107 year old artist/carver who does the best quality artist-hand-crafted (NOT BONE COMBS BECAUSE HORN IS HEALING LIFE) genuine sheeps horn and ox horn combs in the world. Thank you for choosing the FIRST AND THE original provider on the web of HORNCOMBS. She has put 20 years of work into this science ... the impeccable quality and ethical and reliable source of our name-brand Long & Growing® Hairgasm® Longhairs® Scritchers® Horn combs warrants trust and respect. All combs are sorted by purpose not by hairtype. They will all work provided you use them right. DoctorLonghairs is an expert healer with these so feel free to order then ask for her feelings on your set of combs you chose.For more information: click here