SKU: 711-11
Longhairs® Leave-In, Leave-On, Refreshing, Scrunching, Brushing Aid, Conditioning Spray that is only sprayed on dry, not wet hair a few times a week or on the brush before brushing or without brushing..straight and curlyhaired favorite. Especially useful under the nape areas and concentrating on the very surface and ends. Also see our Pure Org Rose Oils Rose Magicspray #11-R if you need to add a sprayer for 8 oz pls see related items below
For best results best use only on dry – meaning NOT WET – hair because it is a specifically proportioned conditioning spray – and it’s not toxic silicones. Use in hair, on hair, and under the hair as often as it still feels good. Great for any hair but especially very damaged hair, including relaxed hair. Mist on surface and under hair; wait one minute before manipulating or brushing hair. Mist only on damaged areas or treat extremities for targeting fine soft proteins: Mist, Wait, Play. Or mist onto your Kinder Brush.
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A-1 oz Real Rose w Sprayer (SKU: 711-11-AR) | $5.00 | |
A-1 oz w Sprayer (SKU: 711-11A) | $4.50 | |
B-2 oz Real Rose w Sprayer (SKU: 711-11BR) | $9.00 | |
B-2 oz w Sprayer (SKU: 711-11B) | $9.00 | |
C-4 oz (SKU: 711-11C) | $16.00 | |
C-4 oz Real Rose (SKU: 711-11CR) | $16.50 | |
D-8 oz Real Rose Refiller (SKU: 711-11DR) | $30.50 | |
D-8 oz Refiller (SKU: 711-11D) | $30.50 | |
E-16 oz Real Rose Refiller (SKU: 711-11RE) | $59.00 | |
E-16 oz Refiller (SKU: 711-11E) | $59.00 | |
F-32 oz Real Rose Refiller (SKU: 711-11FR) | $117.00 | |
F-32 oz Refiller (SKU: 711-11F) | $117.00 |
2 testimonial(s) for this item
I would die without this product, I use it on my body too, it stops my neck from showing my age! - G.V. USA |
Remembering my first love Magic Spray #11. First let me tell you I am Black American woman and recently went natural (no chemicals) a couple of years ago. Recurrent issues with dryness, tangles and breakage was severely driving me towards using chemicals again to ease my hair routine process. Then I remembered some years ago using your #11 Magic Spray on my relaxed hair and loving the results. So I decided to give it a try on my natural 4C hair texture. After a week of use I fell in love with my hair again. My hair is soft, combable (a NO for 4C hair) and moisturized. Thank you for delivering clean healthy products and maintaining your formulas. I don't have to resort to dangerous chemicals just to detangle my hair. It use to take me 4 hours to detangle my hair. Who has time for that?! #magicsprayforlife Hasina B USA - Hasina B USA |
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Using Your Longhairs® Kinder Long Hair Brush WITH THE #11 MAGICSPRAY
For best results best use only on dry – meaning NOT WET – hair because it is a specifically proportioned conditioning spray – and it’s not toxic silicones. Use in hair, on hair, and under the hair as often as it still feels good. Great for any hair but especially very damaged hair, including relaxed hair. Mist on surface and under hair; wait one minute before manipulating or brushing hair. Mist only on damaged areas or treat extremities for targeting fine soft proteins: Mist, Wait, Play. Or mist onto your Kinder Brush.
Brush your lengths with our Kinder Brush from top to bottom, scalp to tips. When reaching chest length, press full sheets of hair to your body for support and continue down, pressing gently with each stroke and following along behind the brush with your other hand. This uses your body as a conductor and a ‘ground’ – it also stops you from raking. Our bristles are hand-set in such a way that it is a uniquely sensual feeling.
Don’t brush the back of your hair with your hand & brush behind you or by reaching over your shoulder, only by bringing it forward in front of you. Brush back lengths by alternating sides. Friction or matty tangles should not be elevated to detangle. Instead, proceed to detangle from the bottom up, brushing out areas against the nearest body part (this will control bristle penetration). The Kinder Brush was made for you to safely detangle, brush, and smooth dried hair.
FYI: a puff of Hairgasm® #11 Magic Spray onto our brush is very enjoyable and beneficial on the hair. Try it as you go along. Our brushes have zero-resistance and each one has a purpose.
Brush as often as your scalp enjoys it. Try Kinder Brush Gentle when it’s dangerously wind- or sports-tangled, then proceed with the regular brush (called Kinder Brush Firm).
Storing your Longhairs® Kinder Long Hair Brush
Keep from storing on radiators, heating units, and extended periods of direct sunlight (but you can use it with a hairdryer if you need to).
Don’t let your dog or cat chew or eat it – give them your old brushes to chew for his/her own.
Don’t lay the Kinder Brush’s wood areas on wet counter tops. If you have to place it temporarily on a wet surface, then do so bristles down. Keep yours in a vase for flowers, especially, if you have all three versions!
Don’t let the Kinder Brush get mushed up in your schoolbag or purse; give yours it’s own compartment in your carryall.
Washing Your Longhairs® Kinder Brushes
Retract a pen, use an old toothbrush, or use a comb to gently lift out hairs and dust collected in brush.
Bring near shower and lather up with #2 or #4 or #8, and work pad with fingertips.
Rinse well immediately and beat bristles on thick towel.
Remove from water and bathing areas and drain further, bristles down on a fluffy dry towel.
Air dry out of sunlight or direct heat, or slightly blow-dry pad and bristles on cool setting.
The Longhairs® Treatment Oils and Your Longhairs® Kinder Brushes
When you fully utilize all the ranges of hair oils Louise Marie Longhairs provides, oils from your hair and hands will keep your brush happy and the wood moist – if used often and in your daily routines.
Try this little routine; the Kinder Brushes may be used for brushing your own natural oils from the scalp: 10 minutes concentrating on scalp. Then apply #13 Blisstips from the tips upwards: wait 15 minutes for the #13 Blisstips to target ends deeply before brushing completely thru. Always follow Kinder Brush strokes with opposite hand to ground and reroute your static, now utilized and unseen.